Vietējie transporta pakalpojumi LR teritorijā    
Izcenojums paletizētām kravām
1pll, 0.4ldm 19.11 23.56 27.19 33.02 36.69 48.72
2pll, 0.8ldm 25.48 34.44 39.87 45.24 50.14 66.12
3pll, 1.2ldm 30.57 43.50 48.94 55.68 63.59 80.04
4pll, 1.6ldm 35.67 50.75 58.00 66.12 72.15 97.44
5pll, 2.0ldm 39.49 56.05 67.06 78.30 87.00 118.32
6pll, 2.4ldm 43.31 61.14 72.50 88.05 100.92 137.46
7pll, 2.8ldm 47.13 66.24 79.75 97.83 101.50 153.12
8pll, 3.2ldm 50.95 71.33 87.00 107.61 116.17 170.52
9pll, 3.6ldm 52.86 76.43 94.25 117.39 128.40 187.92
10pll, 4.0ldm 54.77 81.52 101.50 128.40 140.63 207.06
11pll, 4.4ldm 56.05 85.35 108.75 140.63 152.86 226.20
12pll, 4.8ldm 57.32 89.17 116.00 152.86 166.31 236.64
13pll, 5.2ldm 58.60 92.99 125.06 165.09 179.76 245.34
14pll, 5.6ldm 59.87 95.54 134.12 177.48 191.99 250.69
15pll, 6.0ldm 61.14 98.08 141.37 188.79 205.44 256.80
Pasta kods: LV-1000 LV-3000 LV-3200 LV-3300 LV-4300 LV-5600
  LV-2000 LV-3100 LV-3800 LV-3400 LV-4500 LV-5700
  LV-2100 LV-3700 LV-4000 LV-3600 LV-4600  
    LV-3900 LV-4100 LV-4400 LV-5300  
    LV-5000 LV-4200 LV-4700 LV-5400  
      LV-5100 LV-4800    
Pilsētas: Riga Jelgava Auce Gulbene Alūksne Krāslava
  Salaspils Dobele Aizkraukle Kuldīga Daugavpils Ludza
  Mārupe Tukums Talsi Madona Rēzekne  
  Jūrmala Ogre Valmiera Valka Preiļi  
    Bauska Jēkabpils Smiltene Balvi  
    Pūre Cēsis Ventspils Gaujiena  
    Bene Saldus Liepāja Livāni  
    Iecava Salacgrīva Līzums    
    Jaunpils Mersrags Cesvaine    
    Engure Roja Rūjiena    
    Līgatne Amata      
    Sigulda Skrīveri      
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    "SB" Ltd. is a stable company with 100%  Latvian capital and 26 years of experience in the field of heating and plumbing trade and installation.