% mēneša piedāvājums %
Invertors SMA 6kW STP6.0-3AV-40 Sunny Trippower
Cena: 1,145.40€
Vecā cena: 2,290.79€
Elektriskais saules panelis Viessmann Vitovolt 300 M410 WE blackframe
Moduļa efektivitāte līdz 20,92 %
Šķindeļu tipa PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Cell) šūnu tehnoloģija
Augsta mehāniskā noslodze augstai sniega (5400 Pa) un vēja/uzsūkšanas slodzei (2400 Pa), pateicoties pret koro-ziju noturīgam alumīnija rāmim
Jaudas palielinājums līdz pat 5 Wp, pateicoties pozitīvai jaudas tolerancei
3,2 mm pretatstarojošs stikls augstam ieguvumam no sau-les kolektora
Augsta darba drošība: 2 apvadu diožu tilti uzticamai darbī-bai
Pārbaudīta noturība pret sāls miglu un amonjaku. Tāpēc piemēroti izmantošanai piekrastes reģionos un reģionos ar intensīvu lauksaimniecību
Sertifikācija atbilstoši IEC 61215, IEC 61730, IEC 61701 un IEC 62716 nodrošinātiem starptautiskiem kvalitātes stan-dartiemCena: 109.00€
Vecā cena: 290.00€
"SB" Ltd is a stable company with 100% of Latvian capital and 29 years of experience in the field of trade and installation of heating and plumbing.
The company started its business in 1991.
By attracting young and talented specialists and constantly seeking for the best European manufacturers, in these 29 years ”SB” Ltd has turned into an undisputed leader in the heating market in Latvia and become well-known to all the players of the European heating market. Among the partners of "SB" Ltd there are such brands as SOKOL, SOLARFOCUS , Aquasystem, ATMOS, Caleffi, =Chazelles, DL Radiators (former DeLonghi), Dražice, Feinrohren, Frabo, Grundfos, Kermi, Protherm, SIME, Viessmann, Watts Wilo, etc.
We specialize in retail and wholesale of heating equipment and plumbing goods, ensuring an individual approach to each customer.
The partners of the company are construction firms, enterprises and individual customers.
The consultants of the Engineering Department are a team of highly qualified professionals with an extensive experience, who provide scientific and technical advice in the field of heating, water supply and sewerage systems at various stages. Credit to the versatile experience, while drawing up a cost estimation or developing a project design, we will be able to solve any issues at all stages of the project realization by consulting and performing inspections and monitoring the operation of the systems built.
The company participates in the largest tenders in Latvia and takes on the role of a subcontractor, supplier and installer of equipment in many objects.
There is a strong competition amongst the traders of heating appliances and plumbing goods, still the company's positive performance proves that its business is firmly established on the market, the company is constantly evolving.
As the structure of the company is expanding, we have established several shopping centres in different towns of Latvia, i.e. Riga, Valmiera, Daugavpils, Ventspils, Jelgava.
Why to choose us ?
"SB" Ltd from more than 28 years has proven itself to be a competitive and successful partner in the sphere of heating systems in Latvia and Europe as well.
"SB" Ltd. is a stable company with 100% Latvian capital and 26 years of experience in the field of heating and plumbing trade and installation.